Electric coffee burr grinder

Blade vs Burr Grinder - Which One Best Suits You

John Nygren

In this article, I will inform you about the main differences between a burr grinders and a blade coffee grinders.

If you have a genuine passion for coffee, you'll understand the pivotal role that bean grinding plays in achieving the perfect cup. Generally, when it comes to grinding beans, you have two primary options: burr grinders and blade grinders.

For those immersed in the world of coffee, especially baristas working in coffee shops, the benefits of burr grinders are repeatedly discussed. However, blade grinders still have their advantages, indicating there's merit to both options.

To gain understanding in detail, let's delve into the distinctions between these two grinder types and determine which one aligns better with your specific needs.

Key takeaways

  • Both burr and blade grinders grind the coffee in completely different ways.
  • A burr grinder with conical burrs is the most popular type of grinder in the world.
  • However, the flat burrs are better when you need a finer blend.
  • Blade grinders are cheap.

How do they differ?

Burr grinders operate by utilizing metal or ceramic "burrs," which are curved pieces of metal designed to rotate and grind the coffee. On the other hand, blade grinders rely on a swiftly rotating blade to cut the coffee into small fragments.

Due to these limitations, blade grinders often struggle to achieve the same level of consistency that burr grinders can provide which makes burr grinders the preferred choice for those seeking uniformity in their coffee grounds.

I would recommend you to use a burr grinder over a blade grinder. Burr grinders offer superior control over the grind size, exhibit greater durability, and contribute to a more satisfying coffee flavor.

However, it's worth noting that blade grinders are more user-friendly, budget-friendly, and speedier in operation.

Table of comparison

Check out this table of comparison for a quick overview of the pros and cons of the two variants.

(Source: blendbrewenjoy.com)


 Burr GrinderBlade Grinder
Grind ConsistencyWinner 
Aroma and TasteWinner 
Affordability Winner
Ease of Use Winner
Speed Winner
Control over GrindWinner 

Grinder types

Burr grinders

There are two types of burr grinders. The first is a conical burr grinder and the second is a flat bur grinder.

Conical burr grinder

In this type, the burrs are shaped like a cone and sit on the inside of the grinder. It spins around against a stationary outside burr to create the grind.

Conical burrs are well-priced and versatile to be used for lots of coffee brewing methods.

Flat burr grinder

It has a single flat burr on the inside. The burr itself has several teeth that are used to grind the coffee beans.

Flat burr grinders are more expensive and a little harder to maintain or clean. But since it grinds finer, they are more suitable for espresso brewing.

Blade grinder

When it comes to grinding coffee, blade grinders provide inconsistent grind which can spoil the final quality of your coffee. These grinders are like mixture machines that you use in your kitchen.

That's why blade grinders are more suited to those who aren’t so particular about the grind of their coffee and are willing to sacrifice some of the taste and aroma for simplicity and affordability.

Suitable grinder types based of coffee brewing methods

1) French press

You require coarse-grind coffee for French press brewing which can be achieved with a blade grinder, but the inconsistency of the grind can lead to a less-than-perfect cup of coffee.

On the other hand, if you use burr grinders, they will provide a consistent grind which will help you enhance the flavor of your French press coffee.

In my opinion, go for burr ones.

2) Pour-over

When it comes to pour-over brewing, it needs a medium-coarse grind which again with a blade grinder can be achieved. But if grind consistency is your primary goal, go for the burr one.

3) Espresso

If you have been brewing espresso for a long time, you know that it requires a very fine grind. It won't be possible to get a fine ground coffee with blade grinders.

So, without any debate, my clear opinion is to use burr (flat burr - to be precise)

Wrapping up

Here, I have got you covered with the differences between burr and blade coffee grinders.

In short, I would recommend you go for the burr grinders over blade grinders.


John Nygren

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Hey I'm John, I have been in the game of blending and brewing for many years. I have worked in coffee shops and smoothie bars all over the world and I now run a website called Blendbrewenjoy where I talk about everything related to coffee and smoothi ...