Moka pot is shown with white ceramic cup

How to Clean a Moka Pot? (Safely and Efficiently)

Audrey Harrison
Home brewer

If you are a regular Moka pot user, chances are you've encountered the stubborn residue that clings to your Moka pot after brewing that perfect espresso

Over time, these brown stains and lingering coffee oils not only affect the taste of your brew but can also be a breeding ground for unwanted odors and bacteria. These both will not let you brew high-quality coffee.

However, by cleaning the Moka pot regularly, you can avoid this problem effectively.

Regular cleaning is a simple and effective solution to restore your Moka pot to its former glory. Cleaning it doesn't have to be a daunting task. With the right knowledge and a few easy steps, you can enjoy a fresh, flavorful cup of coffee every time.

In this article, I will tell you how you can clean a Moka pot. From basic to advanced, we will cover all the effective methods.

Let’s start.

Benefits of cleaning Moka coffee pot regularly

1) Maintains Coffee Flavor

Residue buildup in your Moka pot coffee maker can impart bitter or stale flavors to your coffee. Regular cleaning ensures that each cup of coffee tastes as fresh and flavorful as it should.

2) Prevents Bitterness

Over time, old coffee oils can turn rancid and contribute to a bitter taste. Cleaning prevents this bitterness from seeping into your brew.

3) Improves Aroma

A clean Moka pot allows you to fully savor the rich, aromatic notes of your coffee, enhancing the overall coffee-drinking experience.

4) Extended Lifespan

Cleaning prevents corrosion and damage caused by lingering coffee oils, increasing the lifespan of your Moka pot.

5) Enhances Safety

Regular maintenance reduces the risk of coffee grounds or residue catching fire during brewing, ensuring a safer coffee-making process.

6) Enhanced Appearance

Keeping your Moka pot clean helps it maintain its shiny, attractive exterior, which can be a point of pride in your kitchen.

7) Cost-effective

By extending the life of your Moka pot, you avoid the need for frequent replacements, ultimately saving you money in the long run.

8) Environmental Benefits

A well-maintained Moka pot reduces the need for single-use coffee pods or disposable filters, making it an environmentally friendly choice.

Cleaning supplies needed to clean your Moka pot

1) Warm Water

You'll require warm water for rinsing and soaking to loosen the coffee residue.

2) Mild Dish Soap

A gentle, mild dish soap will help remove oils and stains from the Moka pot.

3) Soft Brush or Cloth

A soft-bristle brush or a non-abrasive cloth is essential for scrubbing the Moka pot's interior and exterior.

4) Toothbrush

A toothbrush can be handy for cleaning small and hard-to-reach areas, such as the filter and the valve.

5) Baking Soda (Optional)

Baking soda can be used as a natural abrasive cleaner to tackle stubborn stains and odors.

6) Vinegar (Optional)

White vinegar is useful for descaling and removing mineral buildup from the Moka pot.

7) Microfiber Towels or Paper Towels

These are great for drying and buffing the Moka pot to shine after cleaning.

8) Drying Rack or Towel

A drying rack or a clean towel is needed to air dry your Moka pot thoroughly.

9) Latex or Rubber Gloves (Optional)

If you have sensitive skin or prefer to keep your hands dry, wearing gloves can be beneficial.

10) Soft, Non-metallic Scraper (Optional)

Sometimes, a soft, non-metallic scraper can help gently remove stubborn residue without scratching the pot's surface

How to clean a Moka pot correctly?

1) Regular cleaning

Step 1: Disassemble the Moka Pot

The first and crucial step in cleaning your Moka pot is to disassemble it.

Most Moka pots consist of three main parts: the top chamber (where you pour water), the middle chamber (where coffee is brewed), and the bottom chamber (where the brewed coffee collects).

Carefully unscrew the top chamber from the bottom chamber and remove the middle chamber. This disassembly allows for thorough cleaning and ensures no residual coffee grounds or oils are left behind.

Step 2: Discard Used Coffee Grounds

With the middle chamber now separate, empty, and discard the used coffee grounds. Be sure to do this over a trash bin or compost, as coffee grounds can clog drains over time.

Step 3: Rinse All Components with Warm Water

Next, rinse every component, including the top, middle, and bottom chambers, under warm running water.

The warmth of the water helps to loosen any remaining coffee residue, making it easier to remove. Gently shake or tap each piece to dislodge any stubborn grounds.

Step 4: Use a Soft Brush or Sponge

To tackle any lingering coffee residue, dip a soft-bristle brush or sponge into warm, soapy water. Use this tool to gently scrub the filter and the inner surfaces of the middle chamber.

Pay special attention to areas where coffee tends to accumulate, such as around the filter and the valve. If there are particularly stubborn stains, a mixture of baking soda and water can be used as a natural abrasive cleaner.

Additionally, you need to be cautious not to use abrasive materials that could scratch the surfaces.

Step 5: Dry Thoroughly with a Cloth or Paper Towel

After you've cleaned all components to your satisfaction, use a clean, dry cloth or paper towel to thoroughly dry each part. Ensuring they are completely dry helps prevent mineral buildup and ensures a clean, shiny finish.

Step 6: Reassemble the Moka Pot

With all the parts clean and dry, reassemble your Moka pot. Carefully screw the top chamber back onto the bottom chamber, ensuring a snug fit. Be gentle during this process to avoid damaging any threads or gaskets. Make sure all components are securely in place.

2) Deep cleaning

Moka pot deep cleaning is a thorough and comprehensive cleaning process aimed at removing stubborn residues, stains, and mineral buildup that regular cleaning might not address.

It involves disassembling the Moka pot and using various cleaning techniques, including soaking, scrubbing, and sometimes the use of natural abrasive agents like baking soda.

It ensures that your Moka pot is not only clean but also free from any lingering flavors or odors that can affect the taste of your coffee.

This level of cleaning is generally done less frequently than regular cleaning, which should be done after every use, and is essential for maintaining the performance and longevity of your Moka pot.

Step 1: Disassemble the Moka Pot

Just as with regular cleaning, the deep cleaning process starts by disassembling your Moka pot. Separate the top chamber, middle chamber, and bottom chamber carefully.

Step 2: Submerge the Parts in Dishwashing Liquid and Water

Prepare a basin or sink filled with warm water, and add a few drops of mild dishwashing liquid to create a soapy solution. Submerge each Moka pot component, including the top, middle, and bottom chambers, into this solution. Let them soak for a few minutes. This step helps to loosen and remove coffee oils and residues.

Step 3: Scrub Away Residues from All Components

After the components have soaked for a bit, use a soft-bristle brush or sponge to scrub away any remaining coffee residues. Pay close attention to areas prone to buildup, like the filter and the inner surfaces of the middle chamber. The soapy water should make it easier to remove the residues.

Step 4: Prepare a Paste of Baking Soda and Water

For stubborn stains or sediments that didn't come off with soap and water alone, create a paste using baking soda and a small amount of water. This natural abrasive paste can help break down and remove tough stains. Apply the paste to the affected areas and use a soft brush or cloth to scrub gently.

Step 5: Rinse Completely Using Warm Water

Once you've scrubbed all the components, rinse them thoroughly under warm running water. Make sure to remove any soap, baking soda, or coffee residue completely. This step is crucial to prevent any unwanted flavors or odors in your future brews.

Step 6: Dry Every Component

Before reassembling your Moka pot, ensure that each component is completely dry. Use a clean, dry cloth or paper towel to remove any remaining moisture. Proper drying is essential to prevent mineral buildup and to ensure a clean, shiny finish.

3) Descaling

Moka pot descaling is a specific cleaning process aimed at removing mineral deposits and limescale buildup from the internal components of a Moka pot.

Over time, minerals from the water used in the Moka pot can accumulate and form deposits on the metal surfaces, especially in the bottom chamber and the coffee funnel.

Descaling helps maintain the Moka pot's efficiency and ensures that it brews coffee properly.

Step 1: Use Water and Vinegar Solution in Equal Parts

To start the descaling process, prepare a descaling solution by combining equal parts of water and white vinegar. White vinegar is an effective natural descaling agent that helps remove mineral buildup from the Moka pot's internal components.

Step 2: Load the Bottom Chamber with the Vinegar-Water Solution

Carefully pour the vinegar-water solution into the bottom chamber of your Moka pot. This is the chamber where you typically add water for brewing.

Step 3: Reassemble the Moka Pot and Run a Brewing Cycle Without Coffee

Reassemble the Moka pot as you normally would, ensuring that all components are securely in place. However, this time, do not add coffee grounds to the middle chamber. Instead, insert the empty middle chamber into the bottom chamber, assemble the top chamber, and place the Moka pot on the stovetop.

Now, start a brewing cycle as you would when making coffee, but with only the vinegar-water solution in the bottom chamber. The heat will force the solution to rise through the coffee funnel, cleaning and descaling the internal components as it goes.

Step 4: Discard the Solution and Rinse

Once the brewing cycle is complete, you'll notice that the vinegar-water solution in the bottom chamber has darkened due to the dissolved mineral deposits. Carefully discard this solution into a sink or drain.

Wrapping up

Cleaning your Moka pot is not just a simple task; it is important to consistently enjoy the perfect cup of coffee.

From removing bitter residues to preventing unwanted odors, regular cleaning ensures your coffee tastes as good as it should. I have got you covered with the effective ways to clean your Moka pot.

Now, it's time to take action. Implement these cleaning techniques into your coffee routine. So, roll up your sleeves, gather your cleaning supplies, and keep your Moka pot shining and brewing at its best.


1) How often should you clean the Moka pot coffee maker?

It's best practice to clean your Moka pot after every use to maintain its optimal flavor and hygiene. Also, it is suggested to deep clean it every 1-2 months.

2) What are the common mistakes that people make when cleaning their moka pot?

Most people make the common mistake of using abrasive materials and not cleaning the moka pot at regular intervals. Avoid such materials as they can damage the pot's finish and maintain a habit of cleaning at regular intervals. Also, one must ensure that all components are completely dried before reassembly to prevent any rust formation.

3) How to store your Moka pot correctly?

After each use, disassemble the Moka pot and give it a thorough cleaning. This includes cleaning the top, middle, and bottom chambers, as well as the filter and the rubber gasket.

Make sure there are no coffee residues, oils, or water left behind, as this can lead to mold growth and affect the taste of your coffee. After cleaning, allow all the components to air dry completely before reassembling the Moka pot.

Once it's dry, reassemble the Moka pot, ensuring that all parts are securely in place. Store the Moka pot in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight and heat sources.

Avoid sealing it in an airtight container, as this can trap moisture and lead to odors or corrosion. Instead, simply place it on a clean, dry shelf or in a cabinet.

If you plan to store your Moka pot for an extended period, consider storing it with the top chamber slightly unscrewed to allow for airflow and prevent any residual moisture buildup.

4) How to clean a moldy Moka pot?

Washing a moldy moka pot can be challenging. However to do so, soak it in a solution of warm water and vinegar for a few hours, scrub it using a soft brush, rinse thoroughly, and then completely dry it before storage.

5) How to clean the inside of the Moka pot?

To clean the inner part of a Moka pot, use a soft brush or sponge and gently scrub the filter and inner surfaces with warm water and dishwashing liquid. Once done descale it using a vinegar-water solution and remove any additional mineral deposits.


Audrey Harrison

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I am a coffee aficionado based in Seattle. I have devoted my passion and expertise to perfecting the art of home coffee brewing. I became known for my exquisite pour-over and espresso creations. I source coffee beans from local roasters and explores ...