
5 Best AeroPress Recipes to Try At Home

Audrey Harrison
Home brewer

Are you tired of boring AeroPress coffee and want to try new coffee recipes?

Then you are in for a treat.

Today in this article, I will share with you the best AeroPress recipes to try at home.

Plus you will also learn why chose AeroPress, and how you can enhance your brew and make cafe-like coffee at home.

So stay with me till the end to learn flavorful AeroPress recipes.

Why Choose AeroPress?

The AeroPress has several advantages that make it ideal for coffee enthusiasts of all levels:

1) Portable and compact

If you are a travel freak then AeroPress's lightweight design is ideal for you. It is also a reliable option if you have a small counter space or kitchen.

2) Quick and efficient brewing

With AeroPress, you can satisfy your caffeine quest instantly. Thus it is most preferred by coffee lovers on the go.

3) Versatility

With AeroPress, you can try different recipes and satisfy coffee lovers with different taste preferences. Thus AeroPress is best if you are looking for a versatile coffee maker.

4) Ease of cleaning

AeroPress is very simple to use. Thus from beginners to experts, anyone can learn AeroPress in no time. It has limited parts which makes cleaning it hassle-free.

5 Coffee Recipes That You Can Make

1) Minty Cold Brew


  • 60g freshly ground coffee (medium grind)
  • 360 ml cold water
  • 1 bunch fresh mint leaves
  • 2 tablespoon mint extract
  • 4 tbsp simple syrup, divided
  • 2 tablespoon heavy cream

Step-by-step instructions to make Minty Cold Brew

Step 1: Make your AeroPress base ready

Grab your AeroPress, and add some fine ground coffee to it. A ratio of 1:15 is good to go. So for every 1 gram of coffee use 15 ml water. Now pour some hot water over the grounds. Pour it in a circular motion. Let the coffee steep and plunge it slowly. Finally, pour the coffee into a glass.

Step 2: Add mint leaves & extract to it

You can directly skip the above step if you are using cold brew directly. Take some fresh mint leaves, muddle them, and add mint leaves and mint extract to the glass.

Step 3: Mix the other ingredients

Once done, add some ice, heavy cream, and simple syrup to the glass.

Step 4: Stir the mixture

Lastly, give it a gentle swirl and enjoy the cool, minty flavors.

2) Mocha Cold Brew


  • 1/2 ounce dark chocolate chopped
  • 60g freshly ground coffee (medium grind)
  • 360 ml water
  • 3 ounces of whole-fat chocolate milk

Step-by-step instructions to make Mocha Cold Brew

Step 1: Make your AeroPress base ready

Grab your AeroPress, and add some fine ground coffee to it. A ratio of 1:15 is good to go. So for every 1 gram of coffee use 15 ml water. Now pour some hot water over the grounds. Pour it in a circular motion. Let the coffee steep and plunge it slowly. Finally, pour the coffee into a glass.

Step 2: Add dark chocolate to a mug

Take a mug and add melted dark chocolate into it. Once done, add some ice cubes, coffee, and chocolate milk to it.

Step 3: Stir the mixture

Finally, stir the mixture well to combine the ingredients.

Your mocha cold brew is ready.

3) Cold Brew Mocktail


  • 60g coarsely ground coffee beans
  • 360 ml water
  • 50 ml pomegranate syrup
  • 180 ml tonic water
  • Orange peel twist(for garnishing)

Step-by-step instructions to make Cold Brew Mocktail

Step 1: Make your AeroPress base ready

Grab your AeroPress, and add some fine ground coffee to it. A ratio of 1:15 is good to go. So for every 1 gram of coffee use 15 ml water. Now pour some hot water over the grounds. Pour it in a circular motion. Let the coffee steep and plunge it slowly. Finally, pour the coffee into a glass.

Step 2: Mix pomegranate syrup into it

Take a tall glass and add the pomegranate syrup and cold brew to it.

Step 3: Pour some tonic water into it

Add ice and tonic water to it. Give it a fine stir for the ingredients to mix well.

Step 4: Garnish it with some orange peel

Finally, top it with an orange peel twist for a visual appeal.

4) Orange Cardamom Cold Brew


  • 60g ground coffee
  • 1 large orange zest
  • 1 teaspoon ground cardamom
  • 360 ml water

Step-by-step instructions to make Orange Cardamom Cold Brew

Step 1: Make your AeroPress base ready

Grab your AeroPress, and add some fine ground coffee to it. A ratio of 1:15 is good to go. So for every 1 gram of coffee use 15 ml water. Now pour some hot water over the grounds. Pour it in a circular motion. Let the coffee steep and plunge it slowly. Finally, pour the coffee into a glass.

Step 2: Combine all the ingredients

Take a container and add coffee, orange zest, and cardamom in a container.

Step 3: Refrigerate it

Put the mixture in the fridge for a certain period. You can store it for around a week. Top it with some simple syrup and cream for a delightful treat. Also, add some ice to it.

5) Berry Burst Cold Brew


  • 15 ml sugar syrup
  • 60g coarsely ground coffee beans
  • 360 ml water
  • 35ml blackberry/raspberry juice
  • 15ml orange juice

Step-by-step instructions to make Berry Burst Cold Brew

Step 1: Make your AeroPress base ready

Grab your AeroPress, and add some fine ground coffee to it. A ratio of 1:15 is good to go. So for every 1 gram of coffee use 15 ml water. Now pour some hot water over the grounds. Pour it in a circular motion. Let the coffee steep and plunge it slowly. Finally, pour the coffee into a glass.

Step 2: Add all ingredients to a shaker

Take a shaker and add coffee, berry juice, and orange juice to it. Once done, shake the mixture well. Finally, add some ice to it and complete this recipe.

Step 3: Pour the mixture

Take a glass and add the mixture to it. It's a burst of fruity goodness in every sip.

How to Use AeroPress?

Step 1: Make your AeroPress ready

Take your Aeropress and attach the piston to it. Push the piston a little deep but make sure you do not insert it completely in the base. Put it as such that the base faces upwards.

Step 2: Preheat the filter paper

Put the filter paper on the detachable cap and rinse it thoroughly with some warm water.

Step 3: Preheat the AeroPress

Rinse your AeroPress with some lukewarm water.

Step 4: Add coffee

Take the ground coffee and add it to the AeroPress. Shake it slightly to create a flat bed of grounded coffee. You can directly add medium-fine grind coffee. Around 14 to 28 grams of coffee would be good to go, as per your taste.

Step 5: Pour some hot water

Add 25% hot water over the coffee grounds, and add water in a circular motion, making sure that the grounds are completely saturated. Make sure you use double the amount of water for your coffee grounds. 28 to 56 ml water will be enough in this case. Give the mixture a fine stir after a few seconds.

Step 6: Pour the water again

Again add another 25% water and stir the mixture 4-8 times.

Step 7: Add the remaining water

Now gradually add the remaining water and stir the coffee 4-8 times finely.

Step 8: Place the filter cap

Put the filter cap on the top and turn it around to make sure it is locked well to the AeroPress. Let the coffee steep for around 10 to 50 seconds, as per the brew strength you desire.

Step 9: Flip your AeroPress

Put the AeroPress over the container in which you would like to extract the coffee.

Step 10: Press the plunger down

After steeping, attach the plunger and slowly press it down. Insert pressure through your forearm or your palm forcing the brewed coffee through the filter. The process would roughly take 20 to 30 seconds.

How to Enhance Your Brew?

To get rid of burnt, bland, or overpriced coffee, try our user-friendly coffee brew learning app. Learn the secrets of barista-quality coffee, right from your couch.

Through engaging video guides learn the brewing process, from selecting the perfect water temperature to adjusting the grind size for better flavors.

Whether you're a pour-over enthusiast, a French press lover, or an AeroPress fan, The App Barista has you covered.

Experiment with different coffee origins, roast profiles, and brewing parameters to make your ideal cup. Save your custom recipes for easy access. Also, log your brewing history, track your progress, and identify your areas for improvement.

Learn about coffee origins, brewing techniques, and fascinating coffee facts, all while enjoying a delicious cup of your own creation.

Wrapping Up

That's all for this blog. I hope now you know different AeroPress recipes to make flavorful coffee at home. So, grab your favorite coffee beans and give these recipes a try. Also, download our app to save your best recipes for later.


Audrey Harrison

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I am a coffee aficionado based in Seattle. I have devoted my passion and expertise to perfecting the art of home coffee brewing. I became known for my exquisite pour-over and espresso creations. I source coffee beans from local roasters and explores ...