Best Way To Store Coffee Beans At Home

Imagine this - you put in hours of research, spend more than you thought you would, and get a bag of premium coffee beans only to find that it doesn’t taste the same after a week of unsealing it. You wouldn’t like that, would you? To retain freshness and flavor, you need to store your coffee the right way.
Now, while the world of coffee is full of clashing opinions, there is some consensus on the best way to store coffee beans. In this post, we are going to discuss a couple of simple tips that don’t require much effort and help you get the most out of your coffee beans.
Whether you call yourself a coffee nerd or not, storing coffee is all about the specifications. So, let’s get into the details of the best way to store whole coffee beans.
How to store coffee beans for peak freshness?
The first box to tick when it comes to storing coffee beans is to store them whole and grind them only before brewing. Whole beans keep the flavors and the lovely aroma trapped inside, releasing them only when ground leading to a zestful cup of coffee.
Once you've broken the beans with a grinder, the coffee oxidizes rapidly. You don’t want that to happen. Here are some hacks that make the best way to store coffee beans at home. Read on!
Don’t ditch the original packaging

If your coffee comes in a one-way valve foil bag, then there’s no need to empty it in another container. These bags are designed to let the gas out but no air in, which is ideal to preserve the coffee’s freshness.
However, if you think your coffee bag is not the best sleeping space for the tiny beans, then you should invest in an air-tight, opaque canister that doesn’t let sunlight or air interact with the beans. This is a fool-proof solution for storing coffee beans that never goes wrong.
To freeze or not to freeze?
We are definitely on the team ‘Freeze your coffee’ when it comes to retaining its flavors for a long time. In the freezer, your coffee is away from sunlight and at a stable temperature. And that makes a load of difference.
Moreover, your coffee is not exposed to air moisture which ages the coffee. So, freezing coffee beans can certainly add a few weeks to their shelf life. However, make sure you don’t defrost or re-freeze the beans to keep moisture at bay.
Bonus tip: Buy smaller batches
The more recent the roast date, the fresher the coffee. Nobody will argue about that. So, if you use only a teaspoon or two every day, why buy a huge bag of coffee? It will start bidding farewell to its flavor in 2-3 weeks, and by the time you reach the bottom of your bag, you will have to drink a dull cup of coffee.
Buying smaller batches not only allows you to have rich, flavorful coffee but also to try different flavors and roasts often.
Wrapping up
Now we know that for a nice coffee-fuelled a.m., we must abide by the best way to store coffee beans to keep them fresh. Do try the above-mentioned methods to store coffee and let us know if it works for you.
And if you too happen to have some coffee tricks under your sleeve, then we are all ears. Share your insights and help us grow this coffee community bigger!

I am a barista by profession hailing from NC. My journey began in my late teens when I started working as a barista in a local coffee shop. My passion for coffee quickly became evident as I immersed myself in the art of espresso extraction, latte art ...